Létrehozás dátuma: 2012. 01. 19.
Leírás: http://gags.justforlaughs.com Snake charmer invites people to try charming some snakes themselves. Little did they know the snakes would be so charmed of hearing the music that they'll jump right into their faces. A presentation of the Just For Laughs Gags. The funny hidden camera pranks show for the whole family. Juste pour rire les gags, l'émission de caméra cachée la plus comique de la télé! You can also find us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/JFLGags Facebook: http://facebook.com/jflgags Tumblr: http://justforlaughsgags.tumblr.com Google+: https://plus.google.com/b/107077792337494763307/ BuzzFeed: http://buzzfeed.com/justforlaughsgags StumbleUpon: http://stumbleupon/jflgags Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/jflgags